Education support
Financial support for member education and development
What is the financial support for?
Members may request financial support to assist with their education and development. This would usually be a contribution towards a development opportunity where there is a substantial cost (several hundred pounds or more). Examples would be a contribution to funding a course, postgraduate degree module or to support the presentation of a member's research at an international conference.
Who is eligible to apply for financial support?
Applicants must be current members of the ACPRC. They must not have received financial support from ACPRC in the previous three years.
How much funding is available?
A maximum of £10,000 will be made available each year to support education and development of ACPRC members. A maximum of £500 is available as the educational award and will be given to any one applicant. We are now able to offer travel and/or accommodation support of £200 in addition where needed.
What is the process?
Applications should be submitted at any time and can either be made;
- retrospectively to fund activity which has taken place over the previous year
- prospectively to fund activity which is planned for the for the forthcoming calendar year.
The applications will be reviewed by a minimum of three committee members. Applications will be judged on merit. The committee's decision is final and not negotiable. We will ensure we are able to turn around committee decision to support financial requests within 14 days from receipt of request to payment being made.
Successful applicants will be expected to submit proof of enrolment / attendance at courses and conferences for which the financial support is required. Claims should be submitted with receipts using the normal ACPRC expenses process.
Successful applicants will be expected to submit a short article for the ACPRC newsletter or paper for the ACPRC journal to demonstrate how the funding has been put to use.