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Our Committe

Committee members work voluntarily, and you can contact them directly by clicking on the relevant committee member / champion below.

Jackie Ford
Jackie Ford

ACPRC secretary

Eleanor Douglas
Eleanor Douglas

Chair Respiratory Leaders

Laura Mylott
Laura Mylott

Public Relations Officer

Anna Alderslade
Anna Alderslade

Regional Networks Lead

Owen Gustafson
Owen Gustafson

Journal Co-Editor

Sam Dean
Sam Dean

Website Editor

Liz King
Liz King

Journal Co-Editor

ACPRC Champions
Jennie Balls
Jennie Balls

Paediatric Chamipon

Allaina Eden
Allaina Eden

Surgery Champion

Paul McCallion
Paul McCallion

Long Term Conditions Champion

Adam Lewis
Adam Lewis

Research Officer

Holly Van Ristell
Holly Van Ristell

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion

Clair Martin
Clair Martin

Critical Care Champion

Ashwin Upadhya
Ashwin Upadhya

Newsletter Editor

Sara Knight
Sara Knight

Education Champion

Publications Sub-committee
Agnieszka Lewko
Agnieszka Lewko

Chair, Editorial Board

Alt Title

ACPRC Journal online

The Journal of the ACPRC is a UK based peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists with an interest in respiratory care.

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